p = pull off h = hammering ~ = vibrato/hold note x = this string is not played () = notes in brackets are played very softly v = downstroke ^ = upstroke Standard Tuning (E A D G B e) It's easier to play this one by fingerpicking, and it's not as difficoult as it seems. I also included the lyrics at the bottom, but I think you all know the text (you should). it works :) This is how they play it on their "Accoustic Radio Tour 1997". I know that it's not correct in every way, but.

#-# Date: Thu, 03:46:14 +0200 From: Subject: m/metallica/nothing_else_matters_acoustic.tab Metallica "Nothing Else Matters" (Hetfield/Ulrich/Hammet) Tabbed by: Questions, comments, corrections ? Mail me ! Arranged for single accoustic guitar. Remember to view this file in Courier, or some other monospaced #font. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or #research. #-PLEASE NOTE-#This OLGA file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation #of the song. andante andante by abba by Samantha McGill - tabs in any form please.This song is so meaningful to me as it is…. Ib theme Memory by YASUpochi guitar by Jennie - It would be lovely to have the tabs in intermediate.heaven made by elsie bay by Evalia - ost show windows Queens House 2021 Drama korea.Good Mythical Morning – Intro by Shel Cizadlo - Opening tune to the 10-year running YouTube daily show, Good Mythical Morning with Rhett and Link.(Metallica) Nothing Else Matters - Gabriella Quevedo. Its in standard tuning and no Capo is used. i've been looking everywhere for this song's tabs, and it's one of my favorites ever<3 song link. Metallica - Nothing Else Matters fingerstyle guitar cover by Gabriella Quevedo. – coldbrew by rebeca - easy/intermediate tabs. Toxic – Boywithuke by Farah - I want to play this song at an easy difficulty (if that makes sense) I'm still a bit new to….One summer’s day- Spitited away |Easy kalimba Tabs by Antoineth - I realy love this song and I realy appreciated the one who play this on kalimba and that's right My…. Song : Nothing Else Matters Album : Metallica Artist: Metallica Intro 6/8 time 4-e-e-e-e-b-3-g-b-b-g-g-b-b-g-g.The song is from the old Romeo and Juliet movie.

What is a youth – glen weston by Talyn - 1.The ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny – Lemon Demon by Melanie - If you could I would like it to be easy since I'm a beginner, I love the song since it….Loreena Mckennitt, “Night Ride Across the Caucasus” by Vickie - I've been trying to find the tabs for Loreena Mckennitt, "Night Ride Across the Caucasus".Couldn’t find a kalimba tab for a song? Click here to submit a request.